The DBAR Urban Environment Working Group (DBAR-URBAN) aims to develop technologies to derive information and products on human settlements with Earth observation data, to generate a wide variety of data and information on human settlements and their dynamic, and to evaluate and analyze the latest urban development and its impacts to support sustainable development along the Belt and Road region.

LU Linlin
Associate Professor

International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: lull@radi.ac.cn
Martino Pesaresi
Joint Research Centre, EC

Email: martino.pesaresi@ec.europa.eu

BAN Yifang
KTH Royal Institute of Technology 
Email: yifang@kth.se

Overview of Activities
DBAR-URBAN worked to develop new technologies to derive information on built environment, develop products on human settlements with Earth observation data, design and test new data and information products on human settlement and its dynamics contributing to the monitoring of post-2015 frameworks indicators, including SDGs and DRR, develop new specific information support services in the Belt and Road region for monitoring the implementation of post-2015 frameworks, including SDGs and DRR, develop detailed studies of climatic adaptations in built environments, including urban morphology, land surface processes in the built space and other relevant Earth observation data as well as appropriate process model.
It will continue to work on the objectives identified during the first phase of the DBAR Science Program.

Network Development
DBAR-URBAN developed a research network including 19 members from 12 countries, including partnership with Joint Research Center (JRC), European Commission. It has also become part of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) human planet initiative and Sino-EU Panel on Land and Soil. DBAR-URBAN will continue to strengthen existing networks and partnerships and work on developing new ones.

DBAR-URBAN has actions on multiple deliverables including spatial datasets, maps and derived analytics regarding the spatial evolution of cities and settlements along the Belt and Road region, observation concepts and methods to retrieve urban surface variables, developing new datasets on urban climate, urban hydrology and air quality that can be shared with the Belt and Road partners, publication of showcases, reports and analytics on selected thematic issues in specific target areas of the B&R Initiative, using the data and tools generated by DBAR-URBAN.

SDGs Addressed
DBAR-URBAN focused on SDGs 11 which makes cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable specifically on target 11.3, 11.4, and 11.6.